Asuka Yamazaki is associate research professor of German theater and literature at Mie University in Japan. Among her publications are Das deutsche Nationalbewusstsein des 19. Jahrhunderts und Richard Wagners ,Tristan und Isolde’ (Königshausen & Neumann, 2013), “Die Veränderung des Begriffs ,Entartung‘ bei Richard Wagner” (Neue Beiträge zur Germanistik 11:1, 2012), and “Exklusive Hypertextualität bei Botho Strauß” (in Verkörperte Sprache/Rahmen und Rahmenbrüche, Iudicium, 2015). She is in charge of the research project “Research of the National Illuminative and Language Education Function of Actors in the German-Speaking Sphere in the Nineteenth Century,” which is supported by the Kaken expenses of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.