Øyvind Vågnes, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway, where he is connected to the visual culture studies research project Nomadikon: New Ecologies of the Image. Zaprudered: The Kennedy Assassination Film in Visual Culture, based on his doctoral dissertation (2007), is due out from Texas University Press in 2011. Vågnes is working on a monograph tentatively titled Images from the Dark Side: Picturing the War on Terror (which includes chapters on comics by Joe Sacco and Toufic El Rassi). Recent publications include “Showing Silence: On David Small’s Stitches,” in Studies in Comics 1.2.2010 and “Inside the Story: A Conversation with Joe Sacco,” in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 1.2.2010; “The Unmaking of the World,” on two stories by Joe Sacco, in “The Aesthetics of Atrocity,” a special issue of Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism (vol 39, 1 & 2 2011)”, as well as several writings on comics for the Norwegian weekly book review Morgenbladet (articles on Joe Sacco, Rutu Modan, Shaun Tan, Chris Ware and Adrian Tomine). With Asbjørn Grønstad he is a founding co-editor of the new peer-reviewed journal Ekfrase: Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur (Universitetsforlaget), which will put out a special issue on graphic narrative in early 2012. Vågnes gave a talk about Joe Sacco’s work, “The Unmaking of the World: Joe Sacco’s Palestine #4 and ‘Trauma on Loan” at the International Comic Arts Forum conference in Chicago, October 15, 2009, and is going to teach a seminar at the University of Bergen in 2011 titled “Conflicted Memories: The Comics of Spiegelman, Sacco, and Satrapi”; this will include an event, ”Hollow Land: Memory, Politics, Landscape,” with guest talks by Joe Sacco and W.J.T. Mitchell.